Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Tips Memilih Pasta Gigi dan Cara Bersihkan Sikat Gigi yang Benar

Buncer, setelah sebelumnya dibahas tentang Tips Memilih Pasta Gigi dan Cara Bersihkan Sikat Gigi yang BenarBuncer juga perlu mengetahui Berapakah Porsi Pasta Gigi dan Pemakaian Obat Kumur Pada Anak? Ya, Mungkin Buncer sering bertanya seberapa banyak pasta gigi untuk anak-anak jika ingin menyikat gigi? Ingat bahwa, untuk anak-anak, khususnya bayi dan balita, jangan dipaksa. Dengan kata lain, mereka wajib untuk menggunakan psata gigi. Pertama-tama kenalkan kepada anak-anak Buncer mengenai pasta gigi. Kenalkan saja secara perlahan. Pasta gigi pada prinsipnya dibuat dengan kandungan bahan-bahan pelindung permukaan gigi.

Fluoride yang sampai kadar tertentu membuat gigi  tetap kuat. Untuk anak-anak, kandungan fluoride dalam pasta gigi pada umumnya masuk kategori aman. Akan tetapi, Buncer tetap memilih dan menggunakan pasta gigi dengan kandungan fluoride paling sedikit. Ketika hendak menyikat gigi, oleskan pasta gigi sedikit saja, yakni tidak lebih dari ukuran sebutir kacang polong.
Untuk anak usia 3 tahun ke atas sebaiknya diajarkan berkumur, pada saat menggosok gigi, dibiarkan pasta gigi kira-kira 0,5 cm atau sebesar biji kacang polong, pada saat berkumur usahakan menggunakan air yang sudah di masak, sebab anak belum begitu mahir berkumur dikhawatirkan anak menelan air tersebut dan pasta pasta gigi. Terlalu banyak menelan pasta gigi yang mengandung fluoride akan mengganggu perkembangan gigi anak. Oleh karena itu awasi dan temani anak pada saat menggososk gigi.
Lantas, bagaimana dengan penggunakan obat kumur pada anak-anak?
Mungkin Buncer bertanya apakah anak-anak bisa menggunakan obat kumur setelah menyikat gigi? Perlu diketahui bahwa bagi anak-anak, belum boleh menggunakan obat kumur. Alasannya, pertama karena bahaya tertelan, dan kedua karena obat kumur mengacaukan keseimbangan alamiah di dalam rongga mulut. Ingat bahwa bakteri baik maupun bakteri jahat secara alamiah berada dalam keadaan seimbang di dalam rongga mulut. Jika Buncer menggunakan dan memakai antiseptik kumur tanpa tujuan tertentu maka justru akan menyebabkan bakteri abik mati dan bakteri jahat berkembang biak dengan pesat, sehingga akan terjadi kelainan di dalam kadar alkohol yang tinggi dimana dapat menambah keringnya rongga mulut.
Jadi, lebih baik tidak boleh daripada mendatangkan sakit yang lebih besar lagi bagi anak Buncer. Jika Buncer menginginkannya, maka Buncer harus berkonsultasi dengan dokter gigi. Ikuti apa yang menjadi petunjuk dokter.
Demikianlah tips kesehatan gigi anak yaitu tentang “Berapakah Porsi Pasta Gigi dan Pemakaian Obat Kumur Pada Anak?“.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

5 Culinary Tour of Bandung This is the best choice

Bandung Culinary Tour – the city of Bandung become one of the tourist destinations that is a choice of many people. The cool air and dozens of tourist destinations become a paradise for people who want to just walk around or spend leisure time.

Satisfied about Bandung City does not mean your visit has been completed. Do not forget to first input the sensation of culinary tourism in Bandung that presents a variety of dishes to upload a pity to be missed.

Where is the culinary tourism place of Bandung which can be used? Let's see the full information that the Admin editorial team has provided:

The most delicious and popular Bandung food tour!

Batagor Riri

Batagor Riri Culinary tour Bandungdo you ever hear the word Batagor? Yups, the typical food of the city of Bandung this one is actually an abbreviation of "Fried tofu meatballs" which as the name comes from fish meat olaha and tofu fried and served with peanut sauce and sweet soy sauce. If you have a little time to have led the details of this food, please come to Jalan Burangrang Bandung where the outlet Batagor Riri is located.

Batagor Riri has been known as one of the best selling place in Batagor in this Hibiscus city. It is the most popular artist in the city that has come to eat batagor. If you don't believe, you can see the photo line of artists that once dropped in the outlets on display all over the wall.

Bondon's Cakes

Bondon Cakes Culinary BandungSatu Bandung Culinary tour is quite unique is Bondon cakes located near Bandung train station, precisely on Otista Street. EITs, do not loudly call the name Bondon in Bandung well because in fact Bondon himself refers to the nickname for the "Butterfly Night". Uh don't get me wrong because the name is given based on the opening hours of the stall that is only in the evening when the bondons work.

The cakes are indeed very famous because they have a good taste with a combination of crispy outside texture but very soft inside. Often, customers should be willing to queue up and pick up the number of queues so as not to run out of the available cakes.


Do you want to be a fan of a variety of goat meat or beef satay? If so, please just come to Sate Gino's LaPak located on Jalan Sunda number 76 Bandung. You can feel the delicacy and tenderness of beef and goat that is processed into satay, Gulai, or Tongseng.

This restaurant does not price expensive because the menu is served with prices ranging from Rp10ribu to the most expensive is Rp50ribu. Hmmm, do you already imagine the meat dish eaten with hot rice and warm fresh tea?

Paskal Food Market

Paskal Food Market Bandung Bandung Culinary tourism Place does not seem endless, therefore often people confuse choose to go where first. But do not worry if that is being experienced because you can directly go to the area Paskal Food Market that has a concept of a kind of food court in the open area.

This culinary place has more than 100 stalls of food vendors that are divided into categories, ranging from typical food of Bandung to various international dishes. You can enjoy the cool air while feeling the thrill of eating various kinds of food according to taste.

Sausage House

Culinary Tourism Sausage House The sausage House is a place to eat that is being hit some time later. Here, you can find a variety of dishes with the main ingredients in the form of sausage derived from chicken, beef, or fish. The Menu also offers a range of dishes, ranging from regular size sausages to large enough sausages. In addition to various sausage dishes, you can also find a variety of other menu options such as Nasi liwet to chicken katsu.

This dining Area is also suitable for family amusement park. This is because this place has quite a lot of fun rides, such as mini golf or swimming pool.

That's some reference for Bandung culinary tourism to choose from. Hmmm, are you getting hungry?

4 typical Jogja foods, guaranteed to shake the tongue

Jogja's typical food – choosing Jogja as a holiday is a pretty wise decision. You can find a variety of tourist options that are very cool, from just sunbathing or enjoying the beauty of Parangtritis Beach to explore the various shops in Malioboro.

EITs not to be wrong, the city is also famous for its tasty and delicious options of Jogja food. Curious about the best culinary tour in Yogyakarta? Read on for the following Admin team searches Yes:

Monggo Chocolate
Special Chocolates Monggowho says delicious chocolates can only be found in both Switzerland and Belgium. If you come to Jogja, Monggo chocolate can be used as an alternative choice for souvenirs that make you taste delicious Jogja. This chocolate is made from cocoa beans obtained from Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi which is then processed so that it can give a unique flavor. Oh Yes, Monggo chocolate is also very environmentally friendly because the packaging is made from certified recycled paper that is secured by its security as a food packaging.

Sate Klathak
Culinary of Jogja Satay Klathakare you a fan of goat satay? If so, sate Klathak is the best choice for you who are interested in tracing the culinary tourism of Jogja. You do not rush to judge the typical food of Jogja is ordinary because Sate Klathak offer a different and unique flavor.

This satay only uses salt and pepper seasoning which turns out very "Nendang" on the tongue. The skewer Klathak is also unique because it uses a former bicycle bars that are believed to be more meat-and strengthening the flavor.

One more thing that makes it unique is a portion of Sate Klathak consisting only of two skewers. But don't get me wrong, a big enough piece of meat remains enough if you use it as a plate of warm white rice.

Culinary tour of Gudeg JogjaMemang It is less complete if you come to this city without trying gudeg delights that become one of the tourist icons. Jogja's typical food itself is made from a young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk and a stew of teak leaves. You need a long time, up to several hours, to make this dish lho. Well, the food is then served with warm rice complete with areh (thick coconut milk), chicken kampong, eggs, tofu, and sambal goreng Krecek.

Gudeg as one of the heritage of Jogja's special food recipes has several variants, namely dried gudeg served with thick areh and wet gudeg that comes with a dilute areh. Well, there is also gudeg Solo which has a savory white colored areh.


JajanKhas Jogja Geplakjogja People are famous for their passion for culinary processing with a legit sweetness. Well, you who are also a fan of sweet foods can try Geplak as an alternative to snacks at the time of the kayak. This food is made from thinly-thinned coconut meat then cooked using a mixture of sugar.

Jogja food is then given color and various flavors are freely chosen according to taste. Well because it tastes very sweet, you are advised to prepare mineral water or the freshwater to compensate for the resulting legit flavor.

Hmmm, a variety of typical Jogja foods are sure to stir your appetite? Some of the food mentioned can be found in various corners of Jogja, but others can only be found in the manufacturing center. Let's explore Jogja and experience the fun of this wonderful city. Happy Holidays and hopefully have an unforgettable experience.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Most popular tourist attractions in West Java.

Tourist places in West Java must visit _ vacationing is indeed a pleasant thing, with a vacation we can fresher our minds that are being a lot of problems being abused. But before we go on holiday to the country is OK if we are on vacation first to beautiful places in Indonesia, guaranteed beautiful Kok, well if so let us just go see the tourist spots in West Java that we recommend To you.

Place to see in West Java
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is a popular beach in West Java, with strong waves and great beaches are perfect for those of you who like to surf. There is a hotel that we can make use of, from the cheapest to the most expensive. In addition you will get seafood and restaurants along the coast.

Cikaso Waterfall
Curug This one is located in Sukabumi and is a big waterfall and also beautiful. This waterfall has a height of about 80 meters, a cliff width of about 100 meters and has 3 waterfalls that position next to each other. If you see the sun shining brightly there will be a small rainbow that is at the end of the waterfall.

Mekarsari Park
This one park is located in Bogor which is the largest tropical fruit preservation center in the world. The park has an area of 264 hectares. Taman ni In addition to become a center of preservation, also used as a place of research and cultivation of superior seeds. There are a lot of plants that are so complete, which we can do there travel to fruit orchards, vegetable garden tours, family picnic areas, corporate events as well as educational facilities for students.

Flower Garden Nusantara
From DKI Jakarta, we only need 2 hours to get to Taman Bunga Nusantara, this park has an area of 23 hectares. Not only thousands of flowers that we can see there, there are also other facilities that we can take advantage of with their beloved family, such as Mini theater, nature rides, flower carpet, the musical fountain, water fountains, Angsam many others.

Buniayu Cave
Goa is located in Sukabumi only need 5 hours to get there from Jakarta. Going on a holiday to Goa is not as popular as vacationing to other places, but unlike people who like adventurers, it is suitable if you come here for a knowledge search event. There are stalactites and stalactites that look so amazing.

Pangandaran Beach
Beach this one you need to know, that once was crowned as the best beach in West Java province. There will see the sun rising and sunset so beautifully. This beach has water that is so clear, white sand, also there are other facilities, such as we can rent motorbikes, bicycles and many other facilities.

Green Canyon
Green Canyon is the most popular tourist attraction in West Java, which has so clear rivers, shady trees, green cliffs and there is also cave filled with beautiful stalactites and stalactites. If you intend to go there you can use a boat paste, canoe or can be with your body.

Citarik River Rafting
This river is very suitable for you who like the challenge, you can do the rafting there, and the rafting is held to be a rafting that is so popular among the people of Jakarta. This river has no depth that is so scary but there are many rocks that can be a challenge for you.

Cicatih River Rafting
This river is different from the river above, the river has enough water depth and also has a fairly heavy water and certainly the challenge is harder than the Citarik river. However, even though this river is still safe including for you who can't swim.

Beach End Tile
Ujung Genteng Beach has a uniqueness that is so amazing, there we can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise and sunset in one location at once. Not only that there also you can do the surfing because the waves are strong and big. Other uniqueness you can see turtle there especially in the month of August you will see turtle eggs.

So the tourist places in West Java that we can present, hopefully useful. :)

Place to see in Lembang

Still talking about tourist places in Lembang that missed yesterday time in the post, well to complement it we will now provide more information for friends who want to vacation with your family or loved ones.

Surely you already know that Lembang has a lot of tourist attractions, not only the famous tourist spots in Lembang but also the food is so delicious, namely tofu Lembang that is so savory, sticky rice with peanut sauce that So delicious and the milk of the Murninya. Well, you go to Lembang to take a trip to buy special food. Then let us immediately see other places of interest in Lembang.

Place to see in Lembang
Jaya Giri Lembang Forest Park

Jaya Giri Lembang Forest Park , For friends who are nature lover very suitable if come to this place, because besides the scenery so beautiful the forest is also still beautiful and certainly refreshing. There you can eliminate all your fatigue and can make you more fresh. The forest that has so cool atmosphere is contained in 7 hectares of land and there you can enjoy the cool air because it is maintained the forest.

Maribaya Lembang Waterfall

Maribaya Lembang Waterfall, At Maribaya very famous with a forest park that has a lot of nature, especially the waterfall and there we can see many trees are towering. In addition to the amazing waterfall, there is also a hot spring that can be utilized to soak. Walking around Maribaya will make us fresh and also cool, because indeed the atmosphere is suitable for those of you who want to calm the mind. If you feel cold wear jacket or you can also buy warm drinks there like Bajigur and Bandrek.

De'ranch Lembang

De'Ranch Lembang, This one tourist spot is very different from other tourist attractions. And this place as a new nuance in traveling with many farms and we can see horses as the main worker animals there. Activities that you can do there are able to ride the sambal horse around the farm by using cowboy clothes and you as if you are in Italy. If you want to go there, you only pay 5,000 money and the ticket can be paid to the pure milk that is so delicious.

West Java is very close to DKI Jakarta, then it is no wonder that many tourists who come to Bandung to enjoy the beauty of tourism and culinary.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A collection of the most beautiful nature spots in Bali

Nature Attractions in Bali – who doesn't know Bali? The island in Indonesia, known as the island of Paradise, has become a tourist destination that not only target local tourists but also international options.

Bali with all its uniqueness offers a variety of natural attractions that can make you amazed. Curious about the list of Bali's most cool natural attractions? Here is the recommendation of the Admin editorial team for free Air lovers:

A collection of the most beautiful nature spots in Bali
Lemukih Waterfall
Bali Tourism of Lemukihye waterfall that wants to enjoy the beauty of natural attractions in Bali can make Lemukih waterfall as one of the favorite tourist destinations. This place is located in Lemukih village which is located about 72 km from Denpasar. After arriving in the village area, you only need to walk for 200 meters before arriving at the waterfall area.

Lemukih's waterfall itself has a uniqueness that can not be found elsewhere. This tourist area has three waterfalls with a waterfall that is high reaching a height of four meters. Another thing that also attracts tourists is the fact that you don't have to go far to reach it.

Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach Bali Terindahwho does not know Kuta beach? Nature tourism in Bali this one can be said as one of the most famous because its location is quite strategic near the airport. Kuta Beach has a beautiful coastline with waves that can be used as a beginner surfing place.

Kuta Beach, which has fine white sand, is a pleasant place to enjoy breathtaking sunsets. Happy to spend time in Kuta Beach, you can continue the activity by shopping in hundreds of shops lining around.

Lake Beratan Bedugul

Lake Beratan BedugulBali Tourism Place does have a charm that its beauty is not able to be rejected by anyone. You who are on the island of the gods can visit the Bedugul Beratan Lake as a place to let loose and tired.

The Bedugul Lake is located in a mountainous area, so do not be surprised if the cold air will immediately burst once you visit it. The beautiful natural atmosphere of this lake is more perfect with the existence of Pura Ulun Danu which became the main magnet for tourists. You who come here can enjoy a variety of water as well as renting a boat to enjoy its beauty.

Tegenungan Waterfall
Tegenungananda Waterfall that has a chance of a holiday to Bali can visit the famous Gianyar area as one of the tourist centers of the island of the gods. One of the natural attractions in Bali is famous here is Tegenungan waterfall located in the village of Kemunuh.

You who have arrived in this tourist area can not immediately enjoy the beauty of tourist destinations because it must first walk. One that is quite draining is that you have to go through hundreds of stairs before you can finally get close to the area.

Tegenungan waterfall itself has a height of about 4 meters with a lot of water discharge. The water is very clear and fresh so you can play water or swim. You will also see the temple located around this waterfall complete with Pancoran air coming from the waterfall.

In fact there are still many natural attractions in Bali that can be visited other than those mentioned. Besides nature tourism, you can also enjoy the sensation of cultural and historical tourism on this island of the gods. Don't hesitate anymore, let's come to Bali soon.

The most beautiful natural spots in Madura

Nature tourism in Madura-are you familiar with Madura? Geographically, Madura is an island that is still in the province of East Java. The island can be reached by using several modes of transport, from the land that pass through Suramadu Bridge, sea, and air.

Madura Island is generally famous for the art of Cow Bull. But do not go wrong because there are many natural tourist spots in Madura which is very beautiful and worth a visit. What are the best Madura tourism spots in the city? Let's see the following  Team report:

The most beautiful natural spots in Madura
The beach in Pantai Kemuning

Madura Natural Tourism in Siring area KemuningMadura has quite a lot of beaches that stretches widely along the eyes looking. One of the most famous is Siring beach Kemuning located in Mecajak Village, Tanjung Bumi subdistrict, Bangkalan.

It takes about 45 minutes from the city of Bangkalan to reach the beach location if you are using a motor vehicle. Once there, visitors will be faced with an elongated coastline complete with a fairly soft stretch of sand.

Toroan Waterfall

Nature Tourism Toroan Madurajangan Waterfall Guess Madura does not have a beautiful waterfall and inviting admiration amazed. Toroan is one of the natural tourist spots in Madura that will not disappoint if you visit them.

This waterfall is located in Ketapang Daya Village, Ketapang subdistrict, Sampang Regency, Madura. This waterfall has its own uniqueness, which is the water that directly falls into the sea. Hmmm, really fun to make a selfie and spend the weekend ' Kan?

Fire never goes out

The Nature tourism Of Madura Fire not Kunjung Padamone of nature Tourism in Madura which is very unique and famous is the fire not Kunjung extinguished. The name of this tourist attraction is quite unique because it is an attraction is the existence of an eternal fire that comes from within the soil that will appear if excavated. Of course there is no magical thing here because the true fire is pure from nature.

You who want to experience the uniqueness of nature tourism in Madura this one can go to Pamekasan District Madura, precisely in the village ban Tokol, district Tlanakan. It is also quite easy to identify as it is only 4 km from the city centre.

Kangean Islands

Kangeanislands Tourism Madura Island has a cluster of islands that are still included in the region of Sumenep regency. This archipelago consists of several islands of money can be visited, such as Kangean Island, Sapeken Island, Saebus Island, and many others.

This archipelago stores so many beautiful places that love to miss. You who visit the island of Saebus for example, can feel the pleasure of sunbathing or playing soft sand while enjoying the beauty of the beautiful expanse of Madura sea.

Visitors who are interested in visiting this archipelago must use the vessel from Kalianget port. After some time of travel, voila you can enjoy whatever islands you want.

Nepa Beach and Forest
Natural Forest Coastal tourism Nepaif you are in the area of Sampang Regency, then you can visit Nepa Beach and forest located in the district of Banyuates. You can enjoy the beach with waves and beautiful sand combined with trees. EITs, be careful yes because around this place there is a group of monkeys ready to greet you.

Behind the small area of Madura Island, it was stored so many natural tourist spots in Madura best. You do not have to hesitate, please make this island as an alternative tourist spot to release all the fatigue and stress that befalls.