Wednesday, February 19, 2020

3 Most beautiful nature spots in East Java

hallay people , The natural attractions in East Java – Indonesia Indeed, holds millions of magnificent natural beauty. You will certainly find hundreds of tourist destination options that will invite the admiration of anyone who has come.

For East Java Community, the natural beauty around the area is often a choice to release fatigue or merely a break from the bustle of daily activities. What are the charms of tourist spots in East Java that can be used as a reference? Here are more team reviews for you:

3 Most beautiful nature spots in East Java
Mount Bromo
East Java Tourism of Mount BromoMari for a moment to visit one of the attractions of East Java that has been known to foreign countries. Yups, Mount Bromo in the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, is a mountain that is at an altitude of 2393 masl and surrounded by a sea of 5250 hectares of sand.

There are quite a lot of amazing things you can do while you are in this best East Java tourist area, such as feeling the sensation to the mountaintop while riding or walking through hundreds of stairs. If you can come early, you also have the opportunity to feel the beauty of sunrise from the top of the mountain. Hmmm, what a wonderful nature, is it?

Red Island Beach
East Java Beach in Pulau Merahif, you can enjoy the beauty of sunrise from the top of Bromo, then try to feel the beauty of Sunset view from Red Island beach. One of the natural attractions in East Java is located in Sumberagung Village, Pesanggaran subdistrict, Banyuwangi, which to reach it takes about three hours from the city center.

A three-hour trip from the city center will surely pay off as soon as you arrive at the tourist site. The beach, which is often referred to as the Kuta of East Java, offers a distinctive view of the beach, which is so beautiful and awesome.

There are some activities that can be done from just sitting down or enjoying the scenery while chatting with your dearest ones. You can also do surfing activities that this location has a wave of 4 to 5 meters altitude that is suitable for the sport. You don't have to bother carrying a skateboarding board, because the maintainer has provided various types of skateboards that can be rented from Rp25ribu to Rp50ribuan only.

Sempu Island
East Java Nature Attractions Sempupotentials of nature Tourism in East Java is as if there was never any death. This time, the natural tourist spot in East Java that must be visited is Sempu Island, which is a small island in Tambakrejo village, SUmbermanjing Wetan, Malang.

This island is actually an area that is located within the protection of the Natural Resources Conservation Hall (BBKSDA) as an area of nature reserves with a wide range of forest ecosystems of beaches, mangrove forests, and lowland tropical forests. But as time goes by, this place starts to visit and become one of the favorite tourist destinations.

One of the must-visit places in this area is the Segara puppies on the small island. To achieve this, you have to cross towards the island and then trekking for approximately two hours through the jungle with steep terrain.

Arriving at Segara puppies, your crew will be paid immediately with a view of the white sand covered with the blue, clear, and calm seawater. The small beach on the island has a small enough wave, so it is very safe to use for swimming. In addition, you can climb the corals to see the sweeping sea view behind it.

Various natural attractions in East Java is presenting beauty that can not be found in other areas. You can choose one of these references as a place to release fatigue, and all your daily activities are solid. EITs, do not forget always to keep the cleanliness of each tourist spot, yes. Happy Holidays.

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