Saturday, February 22, 2020

5 Culinary Tour of Bandung This is the best choice

Bandung Culinary Tour – the city of Bandung become one of the tourist destinations that is a choice of many people. The cool air and dozens of tourist destinations become a paradise for people who want to just walk around or spend leisure time.

Satisfied about Bandung City does not mean your visit has been completed. Do not forget to first input the sensation of culinary tourism in Bandung that presents a variety of dishes to upload a pity to be missed.

Where is the culinary tourism place of Bandung which can be used? Let's see the full information that the Admin editorial team has provided:

The most delicious and popular Bandung food tour!

Batagor Riri

Batagor Riri Culinary tour Bandungdo you ever hear the word Batagor? Yups, the typical food of the city of Bandung this one is actually an abbreviation of "Fried tofu meatballs" which as the name comes from fish meat olaha and tofu fried and served with peanut sauce and sweet soy sauce. If you have a little time to have led the details of this food, please come to Jalan Burangrang Bandung where the outlet Batagor Riri is located.

Batagor Riri has been known as one of the best selling place in Batagor in this Hibiscus city. It is the most popular artist in the city that has come to eat batagor. If you don't believe, you can see the photo line of artists that once dropped in the outlets on display all over the wall.

Bondon's Cakes

Bondon Cakes Culinary BandungSatu Bandung Culinary tour is quite unique is Bondon cakes located near Bandung train station, precisely on Otista Street. EITs, do not loudly call the name Bondon in Bandung well because in fact Bondon himself refers to the nickname for the "Butterfly Night". Uh don't get me wrong because the name is given based on the opening hours of the stall that is only in the evening when the bondons work.

The cakes are indeed very famous because they have a good taste with a combination of crispy outside texture but very soft inside. Often, customers should be willing to queue up and pick up the number of queues so as not to run out of the available cakes.


Do you want to be a fan of a variety of goat meat or beef satay? If so, please just come to Sate Gino's LaPak located on Jalan Sunda number 76 Bandung. You can feel the delicacy and tenderness of beef and goat that is processed into satay, Gulai, or Tongseng.

This restaurant does not price expensive because the menu is served with prices ranging from Rp10ribu to the most expensive is Rp50ribu. Hmmm, do you already imagine the meat dish eaten with hot rice and warm fresh tea?

Paskal Food Market

Paskal Food Market Bandung Bandung Culinary tourism Place does not seem endless, therefore often people confuse choose to go where first. But do not worry if that is being experienced because you can directly go to the area Paskal Food Market that has a concept of a kind of food court in the open area.

This culinary place has more than 100 stalls of food vendors that are divided into categories, ranging from typical food of Bandung to various international dishes. You can enjoy the cool air while feeling the thrill of eating various kinds of food according to taste.

Sausage House

Culinary Tourism Sausage House The sausage House is a place to eat that is being hit some time later. Here, you can find a variety of dishes with the main ingredients in the form of sausage derived from chicken, beef, or fish. The Menu also offers a range of dishes, ranging from regular size sausages to large enough sausages. In addition to various sausage dishes, you can also find a variety of other menu options such as Nasi liwet to chicken katsu.

This dining Area is also suitable for family amusement park. This is because this place has quite a lot of fun rides, such as mini golf or swimming pool.

That's some reference for Bandung culinary tourism to choose from. Hmmm, are you getting hungry?

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