Wednesday, January 29, 2020

working experience as marketing executive

bloggers must be familiar with marketing, even many advertisements that require marketing workers in general daily or via electronic advertising (internet).
well, if the blogger has a mental and of course strong funds, then this working position is not a mistake to try. but, if bloggers don't have enough mental let alone support funds, then Deim recommends DO NOT take work as marketing. because marketing is a priority to reach the target / number of customers / clients. and from that many customers the blogger's position can rise to a higher position. all of that would be very nice if the company had provided a database containing a list of people for us to contact + meet. however, most companies will NOT simply give the database away, especially for bloggers who have just joined the company. there are even some companies that DO NOT provide databases at all, and tell bloggers themselves to look for databases.
unfortunately, this greatly affects the personal and performance of bloggers to get a salary, commission and even bonuses. because marketing is given salaries, commissions and bonuses based on customers that bloggers get. if bloggers do not have customers, there are several companies that have a policy not to provide salaries, commissions or bonuses, if bloggers do not have customers. even for money just as a substitute for transportation costs. for example a brokerage company located in the Standard Chartered Building, Karet-Sudirman.
of course, it all depends on company policy.
a career in marketing is fast enough to move up the ranks than in any other field. for example, if a blogger chooses a position as marketing, it is not impossible in a period of two or three months bloggers can move up to senior or executive marketing, even if the blogger's performance in getting customers is very resilient, we can be sure that it won't take up to one year for the blogger to serve as manager position.
compare with if the blogger works outside of marketing. to get to a higher position will require a long time. and to become a manager, it usually takes up to five years.
it all returns to the soul, mentality, and mindset of bloggers at work.
well, what you are trying to discuss and share here is about marketing in the field of services, broker marketing, which is related to forex services, stocks, and indexes. specifically, a brokerage company located in the Standard Charter building, Karet-Sudirman.
This marketing broker has the following stages:
Bloggers search for or get a database that lists people to prospect. after the database is obtained, the blogger contacts using the telephone that has been provided by the company. in one room, there are several tables represented by different managers. well, each table there is one telephone that has been given a budget allocation of pulses by each manager. so that when the credit runs out, usually broker candidates must be willing to queue up in the dialing room, with unlimited credit budget. this depends on the number dialed. if a cellphone number, then the credit automatically runs out quickly, and vice versa, if the telephone number is home / office, then the budget is sufficient until mid-month. but it all depends on the manager of each table, how much they give budget credit. if the manager includes a manager who has many customers and customers make trading transactions every day, then we can be sure that the budget provided by the manager is quite a lot.
in plain terms, the more customers, and the more often customers trade, the greater the opportunity to get commissions and bonuses calculated from the number of customer transactions and the number of customers themselves. because the commission and bonus value is greater than the base salary.
basic salary will be given after the prospective broker (henceforth will be referred to as a broker); has gotten one customer. then, on the 10th of the following month, the broker will automatically receive the base salary. and brokers are required to have a certain bank savings account. because every brokerage company has a different policy than other brokerage companies.
hence, the broker is required to have a savings account for a particular bank before the payroll schedule.
back to the work phase.
brokers who already have a database, then do contacting,
ask to meet with prospective clients. after the schedule is approved by the client, the broker can fill out the vehicle request form, this again depends on the company, whether providing transportation services for prospects. then the broker can do the prospect accompanied by a team manager or even manager, for a novice broker or when prospective clients who want to be prospects are very rich people. brokers can also present prospects accompanied by partners or even alone, if the broker has enough knowledge and confidence and of course has received approval from the team manager and broker manager.
after all this, on the day of the meeting, the broker will be escorted by the driver to a location that can be anywhere in accordance with the broker's agreement with prospective clients, whether in the client's office, brokerage office, at home or even in malls or places general. and if it turns out the location and time the broker met together with brokers from other teams who are also still one goal, then the broker from team one will be combined with other teams. this depends on the number of vehicles provided by the company and the number of prospects. even when the prospect's schedule on day x is very crowded, it is probable that the broker does not get a vehicle, or anyone who can accompany or deliver. so you could say delayed. if the prospective client wants his prospect's schedule to be reset, then that doesn't matter. everyone has different personalities, activities and moods. it could be that the prospective client has a schedule that is not too dense and a good mood, so when the broker calls him to reset the schedule, he will not refuse. and vice versa.
In addition to prospective clients, the broker's mood also has an influence on his performance to get prospects. bad mood, it will automatically interfere when contacting.
in addition to the mood, the appearance of the broker also determines whether or not a prospective client will join the customer. Another thing is of course the product knowledge broker regarding the company where he works and the services offered.
brokers with neat clothes are preferred over brokers with clothes still crumpled, not ironed, and even lack of sleep.
Broadly speaking, working as a marketing at a brokerage firm engaged in foreign exchange services (forex), forex, stocks, indexes, is fun and the right choice to have a lot of income. all of these must have a strong soul, spirit and mind set, as well as strong financial support. because when is a broker to get a customer that depends on all these factors, also depends on someone's match in a company.
some have worked as much as possible by having all of the above factors (soul, enthusiasm, mind set, funds) but for more than three months they had not even gotten a single customer. and conversely, someone who has just joined and worked as a broker in a matter of days he has found a customer. it's all the will and permission of Allah SWT, the Kholiq.
we just endeavor as much as possible, and surrender all to God, the owner of what is on earth and in the sky and between the two.
the final word,
the truth comes from Allah SWT.
the wrong one comes from personal deim as a human.
I hope this share is useful for all bloggers.
Wassalam wr. wb.

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